Global Exhibitions Day [GED] June 2nd, 2021
GED is a comprehensive initiative to broaden the scope of the Fairs and Exhibition Industry, regionally, nationally and globally, an initiative promoted by UFI – the Global Association of Exhibition Industry. Each edition, this initiative mobilizes thousands of industry professionals from around the world: trade fair organizers, exhibition centers, service providers, universities and educational institutions, individual professionals, just to name a few of the actors of this wide community.
At the time when everyone is experiencing events that happen once a century, like the Covid-19 Pandemic which has affected our industry at heart, we have only one message to convey: Fairs and Exhibitions are not ancillary instruments, they are the basic levers for economic reconstruction.
The message of the GED 2021 campaign is obvious, as Fairs and Exhibitions are the right instruments for economic and social growth and reconstruction, they are the first to awaken and confirm the belief in being, living and working in the community: bring economic development for the country and regions, but also bring closer societies, ethnicities, culture and human history.
It is true that the COVID-19 Pandemic has had significant adverse effects, and can even have a long-term impact on the global economy, in almost every business sector and around the world. Exhibitions and Fairs have traditionally played a role in strengthening and growing the economic sectors, but this year they will play an even more important role : reconstruction and recovery on a global scale.
GED 2021 will bring together industry activists, a good opportunity to show all the resilience and patience in the already forced two-year break, but also an initiative to share hope and optimism, messages of a broader community: all citizens of the world, all the same, all together!
The special message from Tirana will be spread by young people and students who are choosing to qualify in the industry of trade fairs and exhibitions, in various academic fields: marketing, business management, architecture, design, public relations, international relations, etc. The selection of “Marin Barleti” and “New York University” Universities comes further to long-term collaborations, through internships of talented students during the International Fairs of Tirana, and the preparation of Diploma theses in the sector of Trade Fairs and Exhibitions.